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Registration and Morning Refreshments
Opening Karakia
Chairperson’s Opening Address
Embracing Change in New Zealand to Provide Affordable Housing and Strengthen Communities in New Zealand
Local Government Panel: Discovering ways local government can increase their leverage with developers
Morning Tea
Highlighting the benefits and drawbacks on denser living
Case Study: Highlighting the urban regeneration tools and levers used in Tāmaki Makaurau to facilitate thriving towns
Case Study: Addressing a lack of affordable housing guidelines in NZ and how AU is incentivising affordable housing
Case Study: Upgrading existing housing stock to deliver solutions for health and energy poverty inequities in NZ
Round Tables
Afternoon Tea
Panel: Implementing sustainable building practices in community housing developments to mitigate natural disaster risks
Rethinking Metrics of the Good Life in the Transition from Low to Mid-Density Housing
How to Ensure Housing Supply Meets the Needs of the Community
Chairperson's Closing Address and End of Day 1
Networking Drinks
Registration and Morning Refreshments
Chairperson's Opening Address
Case Study: How the collaboration between Kāinga and Ngāi Tahu Property resulted in a mixed tenure housing development
How has the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund helped Hamilton City Council execute a plan to support 4,000 homes by 2025
Morning Tea
Panel: Diversifying funding streams for housing development projects
Utilising innovative funding models to support community housing projects
Adopting methods for CHPs and Councils to partner together to optimise place-based housing solutions
Heads and Tails: With Prize!
Panel: Providing accessible and inclusive community and social housing opportunities for the elderly and disabled
Improving the wellbeing of tenants in social housing
Supporting older tenants to continue living in their rentals through higher density housing and wellbeing supports
Afternoon Tea
Case Study: How Simplicity Living achieves 30% less build cost, to deliver thousands of affordable homes
Case Study: How Te Akitai and Avant Group's development of Wirihana has transformed the Manukau community
Chairpersons Closing Address
Closing Karakia
Registration and Morning Refreshments
Chairperson's Opening Address
How Ockham is revolutionising urban communities through Build-to-Rent models to provide affordable housing options
Interactive Mini-Masterclass: Testing the financial viability of moving towards Build-to-Rent
Morning Tea
Examining the impact of Build-to-Rent projects on New Zealand’s urban landscape
Examining how New Ground Capital, Aotearoa’s first institutional Build-to-Rent operator, collaborates through partners
NZ Case Study: The role of the private market in New Zealand’s Housing Market
End of Day 3 and Summit
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